Enterprise Users
Full Srvice Tools Overview
You translate your website and you get customers from MANY countries - but then what?
1. How do you synchronize translations of last minute changes?
1. How do you synchronize translations of last minute changes?
2. How do you match language-specific customers with language-specific support?
3. How do you provide CULTURALLY SENSITIVE / SEAMLESS multi-language tools for each customer?
4. How do you provide a website where EACH customer believes that it is written IN THEIR LANGUAGE?
We are a browser-display translator
a server-rewrite translator
We show the translated webpage as directed by EACH client
- after they contact your website
Changes are made on each browser - not on your server.
- This means that you deliver the one-and-only version of your website
- This means that you can customize code for your localized audience.
- This means that you do not need to do everything!
We are a browser-display SYSTEM
We can add translations - but we can also add ANYTHING ELSE that you need.
All you need to do is decide if these tools work for you.
Ai All-in-One Support Tools
Go where they are - in Social Media! And let Ai do all the heavy lifting
- POST in any Language
- READ in THE SAME Language
- READ in THE SAME Language
Ai Generated Content
You can use Ai to help your members generate articles, blog posts, social media posts and other types of written content.
- GENERATE in any Language
- RECEIVE in THE SAME Language
- RECEIVE in THE SAME Language
Ai Forums
One of the best ways to drive engagement is to build a sense of community around your website.
- POST in any Language
- READ in THE SAME Language
- READ in THE SAME Language
Ai Client-side Emails
Send Translated Emails DIRECTLY to your built-in Email serviceAi Images and Videos
- synchronized to the language of the VIEWER
- viewers only see "text" images in THEIR language
- viewers only see "text" images in THEIR language