Frequently Asked Questions

Translations are cheap when compared to their Culturally Sensitive Quality Assurance Delivery Costs

How much does a page translation cost?

The cost of a page translation depends mainly on the language. Some language pairs are more expensive than others.

For example, complex languages, like Norwegian, cost more than simpler languages, like Spanish. Generally, an average 250-word translated page costs around US $25- US $75.

How much should I pay for a translator?

A translator is usually paid per word or hour. The average hourly rate for professional translators is around $70.

Is it hard to translate a website?

Translating a website from one language to another requires a deep understanding of the source and target language’s grammar, structure, and cultural nuances.

A combination of machine, human, and Ai translation is the best way to create a fully translated website that preserves YOUR brand’s messaging and resonates with the target audience!

What is translation memory?

Translation memory (TM) is a database where the sentences and paragraphs of a translated text are stored.

All the entries include the source (original) language text and the target (translated) language in the form of sentence pairs.

Using our proprietary browser-display translator - it is automatic, free to Pro users and fast
Using a server-rewrite translator - YOU are responsible for managing the CDN servers that your team needs to use to store YOUR information

How much does a 1000-word translation cost?

Using a server-rewrite translator - a 1000-word translation costs around $100, but this rate doesn’t include proofreading or post-editing or storage costs or editing costs.

1. How do you synchronize translations of last minute changes?

Using our proprietary browser-display translator - it is automatic. Each webpage is translated and delivered each an every time it is accessed.
Using a server-rewrite translator - your team needs to re-submit that entire section for translations, verify it, and CAREFULLY insert the translation into that section of that translated webpage.

2. How do you match language-specific customers with language-specific support?

Using our proprietary browser-display translator - it is automatic, free to Pro users and offered AT NO ADDITIONL COST.
Using a server-rewrite translator - you are on your own a separate problem that needs its own team

3. How do you provide CULTURALLY SENSITIVE / SEAMLESS multi-language tools for each customer?

Using our proprietary browser-display translator - it is automatic, free to Pro users and fast! We incorporate automatic quality assurance (QA) and post-editing Ai-driven processes to ensure the quality of the translated text.
Using a server-rewrite translator - whether you out-source this parocess or not - your team needs to CAREFULLY insert the translation into that section of that translated webpage.
Are you focused on "running your internet business"?
--- OR ---
Are you focused on "managing your language-delivery business"?
Do you want to manage a team devoted to translations
- with - on average - one staff member per language

or do you want to purchase
- with no long term commitmens -
Translation-Solutions-as-a- Service

1. You NEED to synchronize translations of last minute changes!
2. You NEED to match language-specific customers with language-specific support!
3. You NEED to provide CULTURALLY SENSITIVE / SEAMLESS multi-language tools for each customer!
4. You NEED to provide a website where EACH customer believes that it is written IN THEIR LANGUAGE!

We are a browser-display translator system.

When a request is made for a web-page, your website sends a copy of that one and only page to the visitor and that copy is loaded by the browser. Once all protocols have been met, the browser displays your web-page.

The process is as follows:

1. The browser communicates back and forth with your website until it has created a display template.
2. The browser adds your web-page identifier number to its master list and adds the display template to the assigned location in its display buffer.
3. The browser cycles through its master list and swaps each item from the inactive display buffer to (all or part of) the active display area - about 10,000 times per second - making each item "fit" within the ever-changing active windows of the display device (computer, tablet, phone, smart watch).


When you add our "one line of code" to your web-page,
- we take a snapshot of the contents
- we send the contents back to us for translation and
- we push the results back into that assigned location.


There is one - and only one - copy of the website

- and it resides on YOUR server.

Traditional websites are server-rewrite translator systems.

When a request is made for a translated page, the website incorporates internal setting to send out that (separate) webpage.

Each webpage is translated BEFORE the website is launched and each language copy is stored on the website - often uniquely structured to preserve version numbers with the original webpage.

Most translations are contracted out. However, it is up to the website staff to store and maintain each translated page and to deliver the most up-to-date version of that translated version.

Hook Up

Add this ONE LINE of code INSIDE <head></head> you want attached to us

        <script src='https://api.jit-tr.com/'></script>


Trial Translations

Code your website to show trial translations to ONLY your IP address

           if ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '<< YOUR IP >>' )
              echo <<< HTML
                 <script src='https://api.jit-tr.com/'></script>


Real Translations

        Contact us when you are ready 


Not Translate

If you do not want a phrase ( or page ) translated, surround that text with:

       <!-- NOtr -->  .... <!-- NOtrEND -->


Customize Flags Placement

We place Flags ( the ability of YOUR users to see YOUR webpage in THEIR language ) at the bottom of THE FIRST PAGE
To customize the location of ther Flags, place this where you want the flags to show:

        <div id="trFlags"></div>


JQuery edits required

Add non-display tags

 <!-- This HTML snippet gets translated
         to the currect language -->
   <div id="hello" style="display: none;">
      Hello World


// transfers the translated information
       let data = $("#hello").html()


Display Translated non-HTML content

To display content that you provide - use the attribute translate="yes" inside the corresponding tag


Google docs allows you to embed PDFs, Microsoft Office Docs, and other applications by just linking to their services with an iframe. Its user-friendly, versatile, and attractive. Code in your web page:

     id="pdf1" translate="yes"
    style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0">

Entries in your Back Office:

     ID         Language   Source
     pdf1       EN         http://example.com/pdf1.pdf
     pdf1       ES-419     http://example.com/pdf2.pdf
     pdf1       FR         http://example.com/pdf3.pdf


Code in your web page:
<iframe src="https://vimeo.com/[any-name].mp4"
        id="video1" language="EN" translate="yes">

Entries in your Back Office:

     ID         Language   Source
     video1     EN         https://vimeo.com/name1.mp4
     video1     ES-419     https://vimeo.com/name2.mp4
     video1     FR         https://vimeo.com/name3.mp4


Code in your web page:
<img src="folder/[any-name].[jpg,png,gif,webp]"
       id="img1" language="EN" translate="yes">

Entries in your Back Office:

     ID         Language   Source
     img1       EN         folder/image-name1.jpg
     img1       ES-419     folder/image-name2.png
     img1       FR         folder/image-name3.jpg